Thursday, June 3, 2010

Company Knowledge Base as a Touchstone to Innovation

A simple definition for 'knowledge base' is a set of information organized by specific storage and retrieval protocols. When does information in your company formally become part of a knowledge base? Simply having information stored in folders on a server does not represent a very efficient knowledge base. However, it's my experience that this is the most common format in use.

I've found that virtually every organization has stakeholders that, given a forum, can provide ideas for how to improve their organization. I'm sure all of us have been part of a meeting that generated some great ideas only to find that as time passes people get busy and the ideas don't go anywhere because of lack of implementation. The ideas get lost. A common scenario is 'where did we put the notes from that meeting'?

The KMX Documents module was created with the intent of creating an easy entry point to add information to an organizational knowledge base. The concept is that the information from the type of meeting described above would be entered into the company 'knowledge base' immediately with no extra steps. Using tags and review assignments implementation becomes more probable. Revisions and comments are automatically tracked by date and user. More importantly, the original ideas are captured in a context that can be easily retrieved and cross referenced. The documents become a touchstone for innovation as changes are implemented within the organization.