Thursday, August 12, 2010

Project Communication

It is a common assumption that project managers spend a majority of their time relaying information between project participants (i.e. 'communicating'). In a day and age where communication seems to be non-stop between phone, email, and IM conversations, communication isn't really the problem - the problem is organizing and documenting all of the information that's coming in. You may have a record of all these messages in their native format, but how do you present them for a client review or archive them for future reference?

I know from personal experience that some of the largest chunks of time for a project are taken up sifting through all of the communications, documenting issues and decisions, and reporting this information to the project owner.

KM Executive has a function that helps corral all of this information together into one bucket that makes it much simpler to review when the need arises to perform a review and produce a report. The 'comments' feature allows a task and/or file attachment entry attached to any task that is automatically date stamped. Any phone conversations are documented in this way. Meeting notes are scanned and attached. Critical email conversations are copied and pasted. The end result is a chronological log of all project activities that can be sorted and filtered according to the tags you use for your tasks.

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